LEARN / Presentation slides

From Requirements to the Optimal Solution The Hunt for the Best E-machine

Bernd Cebulski



The pursuit of optimal electric machine (e-motor) designs is increasingly critical in modern engineering to meet stringent performance, cost, and environmental requirements. This study introduces an innovative, simulation-driven design methodology utilizing JMAG’s unified multi-physics platform to enhance e-motor development. Through large-scale optimization, the approach accelerates the design process, minimizes resource consumption, and improves precision by leveraging high-performance computing (HPC) and advanced 3D finite element analysis (FEA). Key elements include automated workflows, multidisciplinary assessments, and iterative design loops informed by robust data models. The findings demonstrate substantial reductions in time-to-market, development costs, and dependency on physical prototyping, while ensuring high fidelity in simulations and adaptability to evolving customer requirements. This paradigm shift in e-motor design aligns technological innovation with practical manufacturability and system integration.

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